Capsule Wardrobes

My husband and I have been chatting a lot lately about ways to simplify our lives. In our younger days, neither of us much cared for routine. We did what we want, when we wanted and liked it that way. One of the many ways parenthood has changed us is that it’s made us “real adults.” We want a clean house, we like routine and consistency, and a simpler slower life. As these changes happen we find ourselves often looking around wondering why  we have so many things we don’t use.

Enter the appeal of a capsule wardrobe. After doing some research I’ve learned that while approaches vary most people seem to advocate a 37 piece collection. Most of our clothes are in storage right now and will be until we complete our move, but I’m looking forward to sorting through them and purging the things I don’t wear. I’m curious if anyone else has tried this approach? Did you like it? Any tips?

If you’re curious about it check out this article: